
The MSMQService listens to a MSMQ queue and triggers an event whenever a message arrives.


Message format

Options: XML or Binary

The selected format will be used to serialize / deserialize the message body.

For more details see the Microsoft documentation.


The name of the queue to listen to.
See the Queue format section, below.

Queue format

The format of the queue field depends on the type of queue you are reading from, as described below:

Public queue

<Computer name>\<Queue name> or FormatName:Public=<queue GUID>

Private queue

<Computer name>\Private\$\<Queue name> or FormatName:DIRECT=OS:<Computer name>\<Queue name>

Private queue (using SPX)

FormatName:DIRECT=SPX:<Network number><Host number>\<Queue name>

Private queue (using TCP)

FormatName:DIRECT=TCP:<IP address>\<Queue name>

Private queue (using http(s))


Journal queue

<Computer name>\<Queue name>\Journal

Computer Journal queue

<Computer name>\Journal\$

Computer dead-letter queue

<Computer name>\Deadletter\$

Computer transaction dead-letter queue

<Computer name>\XactDeadletter\$

Distribution list

FormatName:DL=<Distribution list GUID>

Reading from a queue on your local computer

If you want to read from a queue on your local computer, use a "." in the "<Computer name>" field.

Output type

Select the output type of the message.



This event is fired whenever a message is received. The message itself is available in the "Data" section of the event input, and contains the following String properties:


  • Body: The contents of the message.
  • CorrelationID: An identifier used to label messages which are part of a multiple message exchange.
  • ID: A unique identifier for this message.
  • Label: An application specific label.
  • ReplyToQueue: The name of the queue to send replies to.

Microsoft's MSMQ overview