
Creates a read-only snapshot of a blob.


Azure Storage Credential

  • Account Name - The name of your Azure storage account.
  • Access Key - Your Azure account access key.
  • EndpointSuffix - To create a connection string for a storage service in a specific region.
  • BlobStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Blob storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • FileStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the File storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • TableStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Table storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • QueueStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Queue storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available

Container name

The container name. To access the root container, specify $root as the name.

Relative address

The relative address for the blob, e.g. folder/subfolder.

Blob name

Name of the blob to create a snapshot for.


A list of user-defined name-value pairs defining the metadata of the snapshot. The limit is 8KB. If list is not specified, the metadata is copied from the source blob.

Lease id

Specifies a lease id that must match the lease on a blob. Required if there is a lease on the blob.

If match ETag

ETag value for a condition specifying that the given ETag must match blob's ETag. Do not use simultaneously with If none match ETag or If modified since time.

If none match ETag

ETag value for a condition specifying that the given ETag must not match blob's ETag. Do not use simultaneously with If match ETag or If not modified since time.

If modified since time

Specifies a DateTime value in ISO 8061 format for a condition specifying a time since which the blob has been modified. Do not use simultaneously with If not modified since time or If match ETag.

If not modified since time

Specifies a DateTime value in ISO 8061 format for a condition specifying a time since which the blob has not been modified. Do not use simultaneously with If modified since time or If none match ETag.

Please refer to the following Azure API reference documentation:

Configure Azure Storage connection strings:

Documentation to assist in setting properties: