
Sets service properties for the Blob service.


Azure Storage Credential

  • Account Name - The name of your Azure storage account.
  • Access Key - Your Azure account access key.
  • EndpointSuffix - To create a connection string for a storage service in a specific region.
  • BlobStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Blob storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • FileStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the File storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • TableStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Table storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • QueueStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Queue storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available

CORS rules

A list of Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules, limited to 5. If set, it overrides the existing rules.

Default service version

The default service version identifier: 2011-08-18, 2012-02-12, 2013-08-15, 2017-07-29 or other.

Delete retention policy

The delete retention policy. If Enabled is set to true, specify RetentionDays. RetentionDays indicate the number of days that metrics or logging data should be retained. The minimum value is 1; the maximum is 365 (one year).

Logging properties

The logging properties. Optional for version 2013-08-15. Required for earlier versions. Storage Logging enables you to record details for both successful and failed requests in your storage account. The optional RetentionDays indicate the number of days that logging data should be retained. The minimum value is 1; the maximum is 365 (one year).

Hour metrics

Optional if Default service version is 2013-08-15 or later; not applicable for earlier versions.Hour metrics provide a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hourly aggregates for blobs.

Minute metrics

Optional if Default service version is 2013-08-15 or later; not applicable for earlier versions. Minute metrics provide request statistics for each minute for blobs. For versions earlier than 2013-08-15, MinuteMetrics is not included in the response.

Please refer to the following Azure API reference documentation:

Configure Azure Storage connection strings:

Documentation to assist in setting properties: