
Removes the specified empty directory. Note that the directory must be empty before it can be deleted.


Azure Storage Credential

  • Account Name - The name of your Azure storage account.
  • Access Key - Your Azure account access key.
  • EndpointSuffix - To create a connection string for a storage service in a specific region.
  • BlobStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Blob storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • FileStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the File storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • TableStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Table storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • QueueStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Queue storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available

Share name

The name of your file share.

Directory path

The name or path of the directory. For example, for subdirectory2 existing in subdirectory in maindirectory, the directory path is maindirectory/subdirectory/subdirectory2.

Please refer to the following Azure API reference documentation:

Configure Azure Storage connection strings:

Documentation to assist in setting properties: