Overview of the Amazon SNS plugin
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a flexible, fully managed pub/sub messaging and mobile notifications service for coordinating the delivery of messages to subscribing endpoints and clients. With SNS you can fan-out messages to a large number of subscribers, including distributed systems and services, and mobile devices. SNS eliminates the complexity and overhead associated with managing and operating dedicated messaging software and infrastructure.
Amazon resources:
Using the SNS plugin on Linx
(Selected examples of SNS functions)
Create a Topic
From the Amazon SNS plugin, add the CreateTopic function to your process
Enter the details of the Properties associated with the CreateTopic function:
a. AWS Credentials of the user performing the function
b. Topic name
Create a Subscription
From the Amazon SNS plugin, add the Subscribe function to your process
Enter the details of the Properties associated with the Subscribe function:
a. AWS Credentials of the user performing the function
b. Topic ARN – the unique ARN of the topic that is being subscribed to
c. Endpoint – the subscription endpoint, e.g. a specific email address when the subscription protocol is set to ‘Email’
d. Protocol – the subscription protocol (e.g. email, http, SQS, SMS, etc)
Publish a Message
From the Amazon SNS plugin, add the Publish function to your process
Enter the details of the Properties associated with the Publish function:
a. AWS Credentials of the user performing the function
b. Subject – the subject of the message
c. Message – the body of the message
d. Message structure – Raw or JSON
e. Topic ARN – the Topic to which the message is relevant; if no value is specified here, then a value must be specified for either Target ARN or for Phone number
f. Target ARN – the specific endpoint of the message
g. Phone number – in case no Target ARN is specified and the message is an SMS message, provide the target phone number