
Signs data using an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) private key.

In the diagram below, the dark rectangle represents the activity of signing some data using a private key that is stored at a safe location.
ECDSA Process
Also see: CreateECDSAKeys, VerifyECDSASignature.


Private key

The private ECDSA key to use to generate the signed data (see CreateECDSAKeys).
The key can be given as a list of bytes or a base64 string.

Hash algorithm

The hash algorithm to use when signing the data.



The data to sign. This can be a list of bytes or a base64 string.


The ECDSA signature in the form of a list of bytes.


A simple usage scenario is where the private key is retrieved from a local database and used to sign some data which is received as input.

Wikipedia: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm