The TextFileRead function reads the contents of text files.
It can read delimited files, such as CSV files, to return file content field-by-field.
File path
The path to the file to be read.
The encoding type to use when reading from the file.
- Default
- Mac
- Unicode
- UTF8
The 'Default' option is the encoding used in your operating system.
Return options
The way to read the file and return the content.
Line by line returns each line contents in a loop. If you have defined fields, each field is returned by the function and can be accessed in the loop.
List of lines returns the entire file, but as a list. Each list member represents one line from the file. If you use a ForEach function to loop the list, you can access all fields separately in the loop.
Complete reads the entire file and returns it as one string.
Only displayed if Return options is set to 'Line by line'.
This property allows for importing of delimited files.
You can define the fields manually or by importing a sample file.
If you define fields, the function can return each field separately.
Click ... to open the Fields Editor.