
The Sign function adds a digital signature to a PDF document.



The following properties specify the PDF document to be loaded and modified by the operation:

File path

Path to the PDF file.

Authentication type

PDF files can be protected using a password or a certificate, this field indicates which type of authentication to attempt when loading the PDF.

  1. None
    The document is unprotected and can be opened immediately.

  2. Password
    The document is protected by a password.

  3. Certificate
    The document is protected by a certificate.


Only displayed when Authentication type is 'Password'.


Password required to access the PDF file.


All passwords entered into this function's properties will be visible in plain text in the Linx solution file and in the compiled .Net assembly.


Only displayed when Authentication type is 'Certificate'.

Certificate source

Source to load the certificate from:

  1. File
    Load a certificate from a .pfx file.
  2. Store
    Load a certificate from the windows certificate store.

Displayed when Certificate source is 'File'.

Certificate file path

Path to a .pfx file containing a certificate.

Certificate file password

Password needed to open the certificate file.


Displayed when Certificate source is 'Store'.


Certificate in the windows keystore.


Certificate protected files are not supported by the "Fill form", "Sign", "Add watermark" and "Concatenate" operations.

If you need to use the operations on a certificate protected document, first remove the certificate protection using the "Change protection" operation. The certificate must include the private key in order to be able to load the document.


Signed at

Location where the signing took place.


Reason for signing the document.

Lock document after signing

Lock the document to prevent further changes.


File path

Path of the PDF file to write to.


Signature placement

Where to place the signature in the document

  1. No visible signature Don't display a visible signature.
  2. Form signature field
    Insert the signature into an existing signature form field.
  3. On page
    Place a visible signature on a specific page in the document.
Form signature field

Displayed when Signature placement is 'Form signature field'.

Field name

Form field name to place the signature in.

Background image

Path to an image to use as the background for the signature field. This can be left blank if no background image is needed.

On page

Displayed when Signature placement is 'On page'.

Position X (mm)

Distance of the left side of the signature from the left side of the page in millimeters.

Position Y (mm)

Distance of the bottom of the signature from the bottom of the page in millimeters.

Width (mm)

Width of the signature box in millimeters.

Height (mm)

Height of the signature box in millimeters.

Background image

Path to an image to use as the background for the signature field. This can be left blank if no background image is needed.


The page number on which the signature should be placed.

Signing certificate

Certificate source

Source to load the certificate from.


  1. File
    Load the certificate from a .pfx file.
  2. Store
    Load the certificate from the windows key store.

Certificate file path

Path to a .pfx file containing the signing certificate.

Certificate file password

Password needed to decrypt the certificate file.



Certificate in the windows keystore.