
RabbitMQReader fetches messages from a specified Queue on a RabbitMQ server.


Return raw bytes

If selected, the contents of the message's body will be returned as a list of bytes.

Return raw bytes NOT selected

Content type

The type of data that the body contains.

Character encoding

The character encoding that must be used to decode the body to a string.

Only displayed when Content type is 'String' or 'List<String>'.

Queue name

The name of the queue on the RabbitMQ server from which to fetch the messages.

Return option

How to return the messages.

  1. Next message
    Retrieves the next message in the queue. An exception will be thrown if the queue is empty.

  2. Next message, else empty
    Retrieves the next message in the queue or leaves all message-fields blank if the queue is empty.

  3. List of messages
    Returns the messages from the queue in a list.

  4. Loop messages
    Returns the messages from the queue one at a time in a loop.


Only displayed if Return option is set to 'Next message' or 'Next message, else empty'.

If the queue is empty, the function will keep looking in the queue for new messages until the specified number of milliseconds run out.

Message count limit

Only displayed if Return option is set to 'List of messages' or 'Loop messages'.

Specifies the maximum number of messages that will be fetched from the queue. Use 0 for no limit.


The list of expected headers. Each entry will create a corresponding property in the function's result set to store the header's value. Any headers of the message that are not specified will be included in the AdditionalHeaders list property of the results.

Connection uri

Server details.

Click the ... icon to open the Connection Editor.

Connection Editor


The IP address or domain name of the server to connect to.


The port number to connect to. RabbitMQ server runs on port 5672 by default.


The username to use for authentication.


The password to use for authentication.

Virtual host

The virtual host to access on the RabbitMQ server.


Select if SSL must be used when connecting.



A unique identifier for a message, assigned by the server and specific to the channel on which the messgae was received.


The name of the Exchange the message was published to.


The routing key that the Exchange used to determine to which Queue(s) the message was to be sent.


This field is used when a response message was expected. The response message can be identified by the CorrelationID.


This field is used when a response message was expected. It specifies the name of the Queue where the response was to be sent.


Content of the message.


The priority of the message, which can be in the range 0-9 (inclusive), where 0 is the default and the highest priority level, and 9 is the lowest priority level.

Additional Headers

The Name and associated Value for any additional headers that were sent with the message.

RabbitMQ web site

AMQP Model