
The RabbitMQService listens to a queue on a RabbitMQ server and triggers an event when a new message arrives.


Return raw bytes

If checked, the contents of the message's body will be returned as a list of bytes.

Content type

The type of data that the body contains.

Character encoding

The character encoding to use to decode the body to a string.

Queue name

The name of the queue on the RabbitMQ server from which to fetch the messages.


The list of expected headers. Each entry will create a corresponding property in the input of the MessageReceived event to store the header's value. Any headers of the message that are not specified will be included in the AdditionalHeaders property of the event's input.

Connection uri

Server details.

Click the ... icon to open the Connection Editor.

Connection Editor


The IP address or domain name of the server to connect to.


The port number to connect to. RabbitMQ server runs on port 5672 by default.


The username to use for authentication.


The password to use for authentication.

Virtual host

The virtual host to access on the RabbitMQ server.


Select if SSL must be used when connecting.



This event is fired whenever a message is received. The message object in the Data section of the event input contains the following properties:


  • AdditionalHeaders: Stores the name and value of each header that was received for which there was no corresponding entry in the specified Headers.

  • Body: The contents of the message.

  • CorrelationID: The correlation ID of the message.

  • DeliveryTag: A string that uniquely identifies the message.

  • ExchangeName: The name of the Exchange that the message was published to.

  • Headers: Available if at least one entry was specified for Headers. Contains one property per entry.

  • RoutingKey: The routing key of the message.

  • ReplyTo: The name of the reply-to queue of the message.

RabbitMQ web site

AMQP Model