
RabbitMQWriter publishes a message on a RabbitMQ server to the Exchange with the specified name.



The name of the Exchange to publish to.

If this property is left blank, the default Exchange will be selected. The default Exchange is a "direct" Exchange which will route the message to the queue having the name specified in the routing key.

Routing key

The routing key that the Exchange will use to determine to which Queue(s) to send the message.


If selected, the message will be persisted and will not become lost if the RabbitMQ server crashes or restarts.

Reply to

Use this field if you're expecting a response message. It specifies the name of the Queue where the response should be sent.

Correlation ID

Use this field if you're expecting a response message.

The response message (received through the reply-to queue) should have this unique string assigned to it so that the response message can be identified by the client sending this message.


The set of headers to send with the message.

If the header's value is a list of bytes, the bytes will be included directly. Any other type of a value that is not a string will first be serialized to a JSON string. Strings are encoded to bytes using the UTF8 character encoding.

Besides allowing to transmit additional meta-data relating to the message, headers can help a Headers-type Exchange determine to which Queues to route the message. Headers should be used instead of a routing key wherever a Headers-type Exchange is used.


The content of the message.

If the value is a list of bytes, the bytes will be transmitted directly. A string value will be encoded using the selected character encoding. Any other type of value will first be serialized to a JSON string and then encoded using the selected character encoding.

Character encoding

The character encoding to use when encoding the message to a stream of bytes. This property is ignored when the message content is already a list of bytes.


The priority of the message, which can be in the range 0-9 (inclusive), where 0 is the default and the highest priority level, and 9 is the lowest priority level.

Connection uri

Server details.

Click the ... icon to open the Connection Editor.

Connection Editor


The IP address or domain name of the server to connect to.


The port number to connect to. RabbitMQ server runs on port 5672 by default.


The username to use for authentication.


The password to use for authentication.

Virtual host

The virtual host to access on the RabbitMQ server.


Select if SSL must be used when connecting.

RabbitMQ web site

AMQP Model