
Assemble and publish a REST web service endpoint by implementing its web methods through events using SimpleRESTHost.


Base URI

The Base Url of the web service must be configured to be hosted on the server that it is deployed to.

To achieve this in Linx, use the + wildcard character instead of your hostname in the Base Url property.


Base URI

When the service is deployed it will use the current server.


The security scheme to use.

API Key and HTTP Bearer are supported.

When hosting a web service you need to indicate what the security requirements are for granting clients access to your web service.

When selecting the API Key security scheme it means that:

a) a client that consumes your web service must provide a key value that is associated with your API, and

b) your application must authenticate the key value that is received from the client.

Your web service application will receive the API key via a request header, named 'Authorization', that Linx makes available at =$.Input.Data.AuthenticationData.ApiKey.ProvidedToken.

Authentication of the received key is performed in the SimpleRESTHost service's OperationEvents_Authenticate event handler.

Do the following:

  1. Set a String variable to $.Input.Data.AuthenticationData.ApiKey.ProvidedToken.

  2. If the required key is stored in a database, check if the provided key matches the key in the database.

  3. If there is a match, set $.Output.Data.HttpContext.User.IsAuthenticated to 'true'.

Bearer secret

Only available when 'HTTP Bearer' is selected for the Security property.

The HTTP bearer secret key, for issuing and authenticating security tokens.


Define your web API operations. Click on the Operations Editor icon [...] to add your operations.


Operations properties

The following properties are available in the Operations Editor.


Enter a descriptive name for the operation.


The path for where the operation can be accessed, in the format /path/{parameters}

Header parameters

Specify the headers that are expected from requests.

Click on the ... icon to add Header Parameters.

Query string parameters

Specify the Query string parameters that are expected from requests.

Click on the ... icon to add Query String Parameters.

Request body

The supported data types for the request.

Select from the drop-down list.

Response body

The supported data types for the response.

Select from the drop-down list.

Apply security scheme

The security scheme is associated with your selection in the Security property.

For each operation you can decide if the selected security scheme should be applied to the specific operation or not.

Select 'Yes' to apply the security scheme to your operation.

Click the ADD OPERATION button to add more operations.

Show server errors

Hide or show details for internal server errors in HTTP responses. Note that this is a security consideration for production systems.


  • true

  • false

Max connections

The maximum number of concurrent connections to accept (per client). Use -1 for infinite, or null to use the machine wide setting from the registry. The default value is null. For more details on how to find out what the registery default is, go here:

Max request size

The maximum allowed size of any request body, in megabytes.

Default: 30

API documentation

Select to generate documentation for your API.


  • Redocly

  • Swagger UI

To access your generated documentation, append /swagger or /redocly to your Base URI, depending on the documentation type.

For more on API documentation go here.

CORS origins

A list of allowed origin URLs for cross-origin resource sharing.

Click the editor icon to add relevant URLs.


Select to show the Authenticate event handler.

This handler will execute for every authentication scheme associated with an operation, before the execution of the operation.

Before operation

Select to show the Before-Operation event handler.

This handler will execute before the execution of any operation.

After operation

Select to show the After-Operation event handler.

This handler will execute after the execution of any operation.

OpenAPI Specification

Wikipedia: Representation state transfer (REST)


Linx REST Guide