
A command-line interface (CLI) is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines). Operating system (OS) command line interfaces are usually distinct programs supplied with the operating system.

The CommandLine function allows applications to use a Windows command line interface to run commands. Use this function when you want to do some work in a Windows command line interface.



The command to execute. This can be anything you can execute in the command line interface on Windows. The full file path must be included in the command when executing a file.

Working directory

The working directory inside the process started by the command.

User name

The user name to use when starting the process. User name must be specified in the format user@domain.


The user password to use when starting the process.

Wait for return

If Wait for return is selected, the command prompt will be integrated into the process flow in a synchronous fashion and any return values from the command prompt can be used further down in the process.

If Wait for return is not selected, the command prompt will be started, but the process will continue straight away and not wait for the completion of that prompt ("fire and forget").

Wait for return

The following properties are displayed when Wait for return is selected.

Output encoding

At runtime, the property will set the StandardOutputEncoding and StandardErrorEncoding properties.

Available values:

  • Default
  • UTF7
  • UTF8
  • Unicode

If Default is selected, the encoding values mentioned above are not set (and will retain their default values of null).


The timeout value (in milliseconds) for the command prompt.

It defines the time the Function's processing will wait for the command prompt to finish and provide a return value.

A value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.

Kill on timeout

This only applies if Wait for return is selected and a valid Timeout value is specified.

When Kill on timeout is selected, the instantiated command prompt will be closed by the process when the timeout occurs.

When Kill on timeout is not selected, the command prompt will be ignored on timeout and the process will continue.



Definition variables are only available when the Wait for return property is selected.


The exit code of the command that was executed.


Value to indicate whether the command has timed out while executing.


The output of the command that was executed.