
Deletes specified container under its account.


Azure Storage Credential

  • Account Name - The name of your Azure storage account.
  • Access Key - Your Azure account access key.
  • EndpointSuffix - To create a connection string for a storage service in a specific region.
  • BlobStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Blob storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • FileStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the File storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • TableStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Table storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available
  • QueueStorageUri - The Uri to the location of the Queue storage you want to access.
    • PrimaryUri and SecondaryUri settings available

Container name

The container name. To delete a root container, specify $root as the name.

Lease id

Specifies a lease id that must match the lease on a container.

If modified since time

Specifies a DateTime value in ISO 8061 format for a condition specifying a time since which the container has been modified. Do not use simultaneously with 'If not modified since time' property.

If not modified since time

Specifies a DateTime value in ISO 8061 format for a condition specifying a time since which the container has not been modified. Do not use simultaneously with If modified since time property.

Please refer to the following Azure API reference documentation:

Configure Azure Storage connection strings:

Documentation to assist in setting properties: