
This plugin has been deprecated.

In order to use this function, the necessary Pastel SDK files have to be installed on the host computer.

Import a general ledger or cashbook batch into Pastel.


Data path

The location of the Pastel data files.

GL path

The location of the Pastel program files.

User id

An optional user id to send with the batch import.

Entry type number

The entry type number in Pastel.

Import string

A pipe-separated ("|") string that defines the batch content. The import string must use the following layout:

Field Type Format
Period Numeric 1-13
Date Character DD/MM/YYYY
GDC Character G=General Ledger, D=Customer, C=Supplier.
Account Number Character 7 characters e.g. "600000"
Reference Character 8 characters
Description Character 36 characters maximum
Amount Numeric 15.2 -ve=CR, +ve=DR
Tax Type Numeric 0-30, 0=no tax
Tax Amount Numeric 15.2 -ve=CR, +ve=DR
Open Item Type Character See note below
Job Code Character 5 characters
Matching Reference Character 8 characters
Discount Amount Numeric 15.2 -ve=CR, +ve=DR
Discount Tax Type Numeric 0-30, 0=No tax
Contra Account Character 7 characters e.g. "600000"
Exchange Rate Numeric Customer or supplier exchange rate
Bank Exchange Rate Numeric Bank exchange rate


If there is a matching reference and the transaction is an allocation, Pastel finds the original document for the relevant customer or supplier, and allocates the transaction to that document. If the matching reference is blank, Pastel leaves it as unallocated.

For additional formatting options, please consult the Pastel SDK help file.


A string value that contains the result of a successful import operation.