Notes for release

23 May 2021

Add one-click breakpoint functionality

It is now easier than before to add a breakpoint to your function by making use of the one-click breakpoint functionality. When you hover over the breakpoint region of a function, you will see a breakpoint watermark icon to notify you that you can add a new breakpoint. Clicking in this area will add a new breakpoint, while clicking on an existing breakpoint will remove it. Note that you can still add breakpoints by making use of the right-click menu and F9 shortcut key as well. As part of this change, the logging indicator has moved to the right of the function name.

add breakpoint enable logging

Display function/event result in Debug Output window

When debugging a function in the Linx Designer, it can sometimes be difficult to see the final result value of the function. In this version of Linx, the result value of the function will be displayed as a JSON value in the Debug Output window after the function has finished executing.

function result

Show progress on Close button when closing debugger

Closing the debugger while a function is still executing can sometimes take some time before control is returned to the Linx designer. Added a status indicator to the Close button to notify the user that the debugger is in a closing state.

close debugger

Add ToUniversalTime() method to DateTime

Added the "ToUniversalTime" method to DateTime types to allow you to convert a local datetime value to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

to universal time

It can happen sometimes that the Linx installation fails for an unexpected reason. Common causes include pending installations, a required system reboot, antivirus programs blocking access to certain resources, etc. Included a link on the installation that will navigate users to a site that lists common installation problems as well as provide some troubleshooting tips and tricks.

installation problems

Fix bug: Recursive types in Expression Editor crashes Linx

When defining and trying to use a recursive type in the expression editor, the designer crashed.

Fix bug: Allow same name (with different case) on Custom Type definition

Previously, Linx did not allow the same property name with a different case in a custom type.

Fix bug: Server settings gets overwritten when updating a stopped solution on server

When updating a stopped solution on the server, the custom-configured settings on the server got overwritten by the default settings from the modified solution.

Various other GUI fixes, bugs and enhancements

Various small fixes and GUI enhancements to ensure a better user experience.