Notes for release

16 Mar 2022

Fix bug: Designer becomes unresponsive when opening expression editor

When using types that contain recursive properties in an expression, the designer can become unresponsive when opening up the expression editor.

Fix bug: Logging statements displayed against the wrong function

Under certain conditions logging statements in the designer are all logged against the last function in an execution path.

Fix bug: Copy and paste with child functions create duplicate function names

If you copy a function that contains child functions, e.g. a ForEach function, the pasted version of the function can under certain conditions create child controls with the same name.

Fix bug: Find setting references return invalid results

The find setting references method will return invalid matches, e.g. if there is a type that contains a property with the same name as a setting it will be returned as a setting reference.

Fix bug: Duplicate setting names cause validator to crash

If you create two or more settings with the same name, it crashes the background validator that is responsible for displaying solution errors and warnings. Any subsequent validation errors do not appear in the validations tab in the designer.

Fix bug: Object reference error when turning on logging in designer

If logging is enabled on a function after the debugger has already started, an object reference exception is thrown.

Fix bug: Can edit type while in debug mode

It is possible to launch the type editor while the designer is in debug mode.

Fix bug: Can modify event parameters and result from the designer

It is possible to launch the parameters editor for an event and modify the event's parameters and result.

Fix bug: Invalid data on clipboard can cause paste failure

It the clipboard contains invalid data, a paste operation will throw an unhandled exception under certain conditions.

Fix bug: Unexpected step over behaviour in debugger

When using a Try/Catch function and calling a child function several levels down, the child function exception (if any) does not immediately return to the Catch block of the calling function when stepping through the solution in the debugger.

Fix bug: Conversion error when manually running a function on the server

When manually running a function on the server, a conversion error is returned if the function has a complex type input parameter, even if you supply a valid value for the parameter.

Various other GUI fixes, bugs and enhancements

Small fixes and GUI enhancements to ensure a better user experience.