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Working with databases in Linx

Working with databases in Linx

Working with databases in your Linx solutions is easy with the Linx Database plugin. The Database plugin allows you to interact with databases. These interactions include: Execute simple to complex SQL Queries Execute stored procedures (you can also pass parameters)...

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How to secure your API with JSON web tokens

How to secure your API with JSON web tokens

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have become somewhat of an industry-standard for securing REST API’s. The main advantage of JWT is that each token is self-contained, meaning that it contains all information needed to allow or deny any given requests to an API. This means JWT...

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Process Flows: From Input to Output

Process Flows: From Input to Output

Code is the backbone of most software programs and applications. Each line of code serves as an instruction—a logical, step-by-step mechanism for computers, servers, and other machines to perform an action. In computer programming, there are different levels of code....

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